Week at Roswell Presbyterian Church is filled with opportunities for worship
and preparing to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Join us all week with
your family!
Palm Sunday, April 13
*Preschoolers will be carrying palms into the 9:45 service as part of their Sunday School hour.
*Younger elementary children will be carrying palms into the 11:15 service. If your child would like to participate, please come to the Welcome Center in the narthex at 11:10am.
We have an additional opportunity for worship on Palm Sunday this year. Palm Sunday Vespers will be a contemporary-style worship service. Arrive as early as 4:30 for fellowship beforehand.
Maundy Thursday, April 17
*We advise leaving early to come to the church for this event as Canton Street will be closed on April 17 beginning at 5p.m. Parking and traffic near the church will be worse than usual.
Good Friday, April 18
Easter Sunday, April 20
Children are welcome at all Holy Week events, however childcare is available for preschool and younger.