Tuesday, March 25, 2014

General Announcements from CM

Tomorrow evening, March 26, is the onCore end-of-year Picnic! We will celebrate a fantastic year of onCore with trivia and a pizza and potluck dinner. We are excited to recognize and celebrate our 5th graders who will be graduating out of the onCore program. And we also have a special surprise for all the kids!
Fall onCore will begin on September 3, 2014.

There will be no First Class Sundays class for the month of April.

We will meet again on May 4 for: Death and Dying: Helping Our Children Deal with Grief. Dr. Doyle R. Hamilton, DMin, LMFT, is a pastoral counselor and licensed marriage and family therapist who works with couples and individuals. He will discuss ways that we can help our children cope with grief as well as have conversations with them about death and tragedy.

First Class Sundays meets in the Fellowship Hall from 9:45-10:45a.m.

We have a great group of children, youth and adults leaving on Monday, April 31 for the Cobb County Spring Break mission trip to St. Simon's Island. Keep them in your prayers this week as they serve the Lord away from home!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

St. Patrick's Night!

There are some changes for tomorrow night’s menu! We will be having St. Patrick’s Night, corn dogs and shamrock cookies! (We will have our Lent Night next week).
Let us know if your child needs a peanut-free cookie!
Please indicate the number of adults and children in your response.
Wear your green tomorrow!